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Hades 2 The Highly Anticipated Sequel To The Beloved Roguelike Hades Has Finally Arrived In Early Access

Hades 2 Early Access Review: Impossibly Huge, Unbelievably Polished

Hades 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the beloved roguelike Hades, has finally arrived in early access.

In a genre saturated with countless entries, Hades 2 manages to stand out with its overwhelming size, remarkable polish, and its relentless pursuit of roguelike perfection.

While still in its early stages of development, Hades 2 exhibits an unprecedented level of polish that belies its early access status. The game's sprawling world, teeming with diverse biomes and teeming with enemies, feels impossibly vast and impossibly detailed.

Despite its size, Hades 2 maintains a remarkable level of focus and cohesion. Supergiant Games has implemented several changes to the core gameplay loop, including new weapons, abilities, and a revised cast of characters. These changes breathe new life into the game while preserving the core elements that made the original Hades so addictive.

While Hades 2 is an undeniably impressive achievement, it's important to remember that it's still an early access title. As such, it's subject to changes and improvements over time. However, even in its current state, Hades 2 is a must-play for fans of roguelikes and action RPGs. Its vast world, polished gameplay, and relentless pursuit of perfection make it a strong contender for the title of Game of the Year.
